Appearance of the Character

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Appearance of a Character depends on the quality and quantity of the items he is wearing, and on the graphic settings. However, all characters look the same if the graphics is set to minimum.

Currently, there are five types of dolls in game:

  • Basic initial model appearance: The character wears simple cloths with no armor.

- Default for all new characters.
- If the graphics is set to minimum.
- If grey quality cloths are worn.

  • Improved Basic model appearance:

- 6 or more green items are worn.

  • Average model appearance:

- 6 or more blue items are worn.

  • Advanced model appearance:

- 6 or more yellow/purple items are worn.

  • Unique Golden model appearance

The character has a minimum of 10 improved items.

Achieving the unique Gold doll

To get golden appearance/looks at least 10 items (including crafted items) are highly improved:

  • At least 10 blue items improved to +12
  • At least 10 golden (including crafted items) items improved to +11
  • At least 10 purple items improved to +11

Doing this, your doll will have the golden look in the game. Also, the look can be obtained from combination of 10 different quality (colored) items improved to its highest required.

Golden set and looks of the Character

  • If a character succeeds in collecting all the 6 yellow items of a set (provided the label have exact preface and post-face), it will reflect on the appearance of the character on the character properties window. However, this will not affect the appearance of character doll. The look varies according to the class.
  • If the character achieves the golden model/doll, the golden set appearance will not show on the character properties window rather the golden model will show.

View of the character on character properties window of each class wearing the set of 6 yellow items having the same pre and post face name:

  • Warrior class wearing a complete 6 yellow items set (having exact preface and post face names)
  • Icy Spellweaver Class wearing a complete 6 yellow items set (having exact preface and post face names)
  • Healer wearing a complete 6 yellow items set (having exact preface and post face names)
  • Knight wearing a complete 6 yellow items set (having exact preface and post face names)
  • Front line soldier wearing a complete 6 yellow items set (having exact preface and post face names)
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