King of the Hill

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King of the Hill- it is only a group tournament.

Entry gate: King of the Hill gate adjucent of Mythem gate, western region of the Archer's village, Fragoria.

Time: Twice a day; 15:00 and 22:00 hours server time//

To Play...

  • Players level 20 and above can participate.
  • Ticket of the game 'King of the Hill' from "Tournament Clerk" in Archer's village, Fragoria.
  • Minimum two group each with minimum two contestant. Maximum 35 players (7 groups each with 5 players). the grouping has to be formed in the game field before the game begins.
  • Enter the game within half an hour of start during which the gate will be open to move in and out till it start.

To Win...

  • There are 5 chest with different types of keys scattered in the game field and a red flag in starting point area. The strategy is to
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